Euro VERITAS Limited, registered under Company Number: 08205606, is an independently established business entity uniquely registered within the jurisdiction of Companies House, UK, since 7th September 2012. Our official website,, was created on 5th July 2015 and serves as the primary online presence for Euro VERITAS Limited. This domain name is exclusively utilized for the services offered by Euro VERITAS Limited. We affirm that this domain is solely associated with our company, with no connection or affiliation to any other domain names or entities.
Any similarity between the name "Euro VERITAS Limited" or our domain with other businesses or entities, either within the UK or internationally, does not imply any affiliation, association, or connection. Euro VERITAS Limited operates as is a distinct and separate entity with no responsibility for the actions, services, or representations of other entities that may have similar names. We are not responsible for any services, products, or representations made by other entities with similar-sounding names or domain names.
Our business operates independently and is committed to providing high-quality services under our registered name. We encourage all interest parties, including potential clients, clients and stakeholders to verify our credentials through official channels and to be aware of the unique nature of our business identity. For Any inquiries regarding our services or legitimacy, please contact us directly using the official contact points as listed on our website.
This notice serves to clearly distinguish our identity and prevent any confusion regarding our business operations and services.
From the Management